Comforting Care Package
The Comforting care package is full of items to support your body during the grieving process. Whether you are days or months into this grief journey, these items will provide you rest and an opportunity to allow yourself to take some time to process and heal. Through our own grieving processes we’ve found that the mind and body both need time and space to allow healing to occur. This process looks different for everyone but actually taking time for yourself to do this is vital.
Items include: A handwritten note card, You Are Not Alone (Letters from loss mom to loss mom) by Emily Long, From Father to Father (Letters from loss dad to loss dad) by Emily Long, a seed paper and lip balm, and a magnet.
A magnet – in the midst of deep pain, sometimes the smallest reminder of truth can be like a bandage for our bleeding hearts.
You Are Not Alone & From Father to Father– is a great resource and book for moms and dads who are dealing with a miscarriage or infant loss that is written by many other loss moms and loss dads. They have a desire to meet grieving parents in this pain and walk through it with them. Each letter contains such beauty because they are written by so many different women and men who have walked through this devastating loss – each with their own story.
Seed Paper- this is a type of eco-friendly, biodegradable paper that is meant to be planted in the yard, flower pot or garden. You can plant this paper as is and watch life spring from the earth in remembrance of your babe. You can choose to write a letter to your baby or write out your hurts, bury them in the ground and watch life come from that pain. This is a beautiful symbol that death is not the end story here. There is hope.
Lip Balm- a simple but comforting item to have on hand. It’s easy to neglect your physical needs during the grief process so this is a simple reminder to take care of yourself and give yourself grace during this season.
Grace in Grief doesn’t stop after we send you the care package. Our desire is to then begin supporting you, encouraging you, and extending grace to you.
You will receive hand written letters from us the weeks of your due date and loss date. The time surrounding those dates often weigh heavy on our hearts. And our hope is that in that heaviness, you’ll be reminded you are not alone. That you are cared for. That you are loved. And that your baby is remembered.
We want to be a consistent place, a friendship for you to have, where you are allowed the space to grieve and love your baby. To give you a place to talk about them, and share your struggles.
Because you matter. Your baby matters. And you are not alone, sweet mama.
*Care Packages can only be shipped within the USA right now, but we can support online through email for grieving parents in other countries